Hello my fellow friends and stuff...welcome to NoStar's site! Scroll down for news and updates. | Newcomerz and oldcummerz...welcome to the bigger,better,and possibly blacker NoStar website. Look around...laugh,cry,enjoy, and sign our GUESTBOOK...we'd like to hear from ya!
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8/4/01 - its 3:06 in the morning...the site is about halfway done...need sleep...zzzzz
8/4/01 - i apologise for my last remark.
8/4/01 - I made this site. Me only. The great Adonis. Nobody else. SO STOP TAKING CREDIT FOR CRAP YOU DIDN'T DO OKAY?!(philip rulez)
One Day... i was at a poetry reading and i got a number from a girl, my girlfiend did not like this and she took the number and burned it. after that i only talked to the wall